Defining high-level vision and strategy
for consumer engagement (5 years)


Our team prepared and facilitated a global workshop for the leadership of Unilever to define the future strategy of consumer engagement over the next 5 years.

In the team we had a Senior Strategy Director, Strategic Service Design Director, Client Partner, Strategy Managers, Research Director and subject matter experts.

My responsibility was to prepare and lead the workshop and Provide feedback and guidance on synthesising the outcomes of the workshop to shape the high level strategy.

Client: Unilever

Role: Strategic Service Design Director

Time: August 2022 - September 2023


Designing a way to create a coherent strategy for 5 very different business areas of Unilever.

We needed to actively engage over 50 people to make sure they feel that their point of view has been heard by the leadership.

The clients requested that we actively engage with all the partner agencies working for Unilever, so that their strategic insights and perspectives are included in our work.


We chose a Future-casting approach to co-creating a vision. It included 3 stages: Research Workshop and Synthesis


Trends analysis

Stakeholder interviews

Engagement channels map

Workshop planning and preparation


I planned, prepared and led facilitation of a meticulously planned strategic planning workshop for Unilever leadership.

50 participants:
3 groups in person
: in London, Bangalore and Brasil
12 participants online
from Brazil to Australia

1.5 days


Strategic Levers

we defined 5 key areas of focus to create the future consumer experiences that the team envisioned.



Next steps

  • Client leadership were very happy with the outcomes of the workshop, the proc