How can we streamline workflows and improve collaboration of internal teams to provide better service?
Internal teams responsible for providing XenMobile mobile solutions service worked in silos and had little awareness of other teams’ the workflows.
It was difficult for customer facing teams to provide a smooth and consistent customer experience, set realistic expectations and reliably meet them.
Client: Citrix, XenMobile
Role: Service Design Lead, User Researcher
August 2013 —
November 2014
Silicon Valley, US
Exploratory in-depth interviews: I interviewed XenMobile employees involved in selling, deploying and supporting the mobile service, both customer facing and backstage: Sales, IT, Administrators and Customer Support in different regions in the US.
I spoke with people supporting core client industry sectors, e.g., Medical, Telecoms and Public Services, which had slightly different workflows and priorities.
As an outcome of the interviews we had a good understanding of the typical workflows of each team, customer journey milestones, and identified core pain points and moments that work well for each user type.
Workflows and collaboration of internal teams
Experience Map: I created an overall experience map based on the interviews insights, weaving individual journeys together into a single picture, with clear connection points where different teams interact with each other or customers and exchange information, deliver product or service, provide training or receive feedback.
I presented this map to a representative group of stakeholders to facilitate a discussion about opportunities to optimise their ways of working.
Clear understanding of the end-to-end customer and internal users experience, including sales, deployment, support and renewal of XenMobile product in large organisations for each team.
I identified opportunities to simplify the workflows, improve collaboration between different streams of work and provide better visibility of the progress and potential issues across different teams. We defined opportunities to improve customer experience, set realistic expectations with clients, keep them informed and provide additional support and guidance for both buyers and users of Xen Mobile solution, especially during roll-out, monitoring and measuring performance and upgrading process.